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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is a volunteer group of 13-17 people. They are nominated by members of the Board itself and are generally invited to serve for a three-year term. The Board has ultimate responsibility for the school. It does so by raising funds, devising and controlling budgets, serving as the legally accountable body for Topeka Collegiate, appointing a Head of School, and setting general school policy. No Board member receives compensation for his/her participation. Board members are called upon to make extensive time commitments.

Board members never involve themselves with the normal daily operation of the school except through the operation of duly appointed committees. The Board does not hear complaints, sit as a court of appeals, or overturn the Head's decisions. They do, however, determine the essential nature of the school, its academic emphasis, style of relations with the public, and the methods of self-evaluation to determine effectiveness. The Board delegates to the Head of School the authority to hire and fire all employees based on her decision as to an individual's suitability for the school.